Our products undergo rigorous testing and quality control measures to ensure the highest level of quality.
Trade name: window guard, free of punching, self installed child protection, window gate, open window, Casement window, window security bars, less than 30CM, 2 pieces | Trade name: window guard, free of punching, self installed child protection, window gate, open window, Casement window, window security bars, less than 30CM, 2 pieces |
Product number: 10065153727560 | Product number: 10065153727560 |
Store: Lucky Ma Bangxi Monopoly Store | Store: Lucky Ma Bangxi Monopoly Store |
Gross weight of product: 1.0kg | Gross weight of product: 1.0kg |
Product number: 7mZ7WBJ4Z | Product number: 7mZ7WBJ4Z |
System window: System window | System window: System window |
Door opening method: outward opening | Door opening method: outward opening |
Does it include screen windows | Does it include screen windows |